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  • Buyers are Waiting......

    By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc. – 09/05/2024 Published in  American Printer  :   “Many business owners face challenges: some have sold too cheaply, others are semi-retired and looking to sell, or they’re unsure of their next steps. Sid says the key to solving these issues lies in tracking your company’s data and customer interactions to find the right direction and leadership.” “Most limitations… are an illusion.” …………………………………... Arnold Schwarzenegger   INTRODUCTION:   From multiple sources, I’m hearing,  “Buyers are wanting to see supplier Reps – that can tell them, ‘What’s New’, and ‘Information they can use,  that won’t waste their time’ .” (Our standard: give them  at least  two pieces of useful information - on every Sales Call…!) Two years from now, smart Business Development Directors and owners can expect to reflect, “ That 3-to-6-month period after the Debt Ceiling was fought and settled, was a rare opportunity to make our mark.” “Business Development Team Education & Training”… is not a seasonal or once-a-month item on your calendar. ( Your entire Team should participate : Estimators, CSR’s, Inside Sales Reps, Outside Reps, Business Development Director, Designers, Marketing Mgr., and invited Production Supervisors.) It’s an attitude  – from the top of your organization. “ We will have the best educated and trained organization - in our marketplace...!”  (We want Buyers calling us – first…!) When that attitude is achieved in your organization and marketplace, by what you do (and not by what you say) - personnel, customers and what you hear that didn’t go well – are providing your next “ Education Session’s   -  Agenda. ”  Two hours, at least every two weeks, starting off with : 1.     Recent successes, in some detail (volunteered from attendees). 2.     Excellent Estimate Requests – that won work (from your Estimators). 3.     Excellent Quote Letters – that won work (from your Reps).  4.     Detailed review of at least two terrific Samples (from your CSR’s and Reps). 5.     Review of excellent Production performances (from Production Supervisors, including ‘Why?’). 6.     What Production needs Reps and CSR’s to improve (which improves what Production can accomplish). 7.     Which areas of the Production Schedule need more work, need more time, need more complete, timely information?  SUMMARY : We were claiming and developing the market position our Buyers were hungry to receive, and our competitors were neglecting. Today, with more younger and inexperienced Buyers, conditions are more sharply visible. When Buyers receive useful information from your Reps, your Reps receive a next appointment. When your Buyers keep seeing your Reps, there’s a professional reason that benefits your Buyer. Buyers who keep seeing your Reps, buy from your Reps….! Smart, top-performing Reps – know this…! Smart, top management – know this….!   “ Life’s six rules for success : 1. Trust yourself. 2. Break some rules. 3. Don’t be afraid to fail. 4. Ignore the naysayers. 5. Work like hell. 6. Give something back.”                         ………………………..…………………………………………….………..Arnold Schwarzenegger Copyright© 2024 Chadwick Consulting, Inc. All rights reserved. Contact Us Phone: (336) 558-4939

  • Important, Smart Decisions Can Be Easier... IF... You're Doing Your Homework

    By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc. – 08/22/2024 Published in  American Printer  :   “Many business owners face challenges: some have sold too cheaply, others are semi-retired and looking to sell, or they’re unsure of their next steps. Sid says the key to solving these issues lies in tracking your company’s data and customer interactions to find the right direction and leadership.” “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. …………………………………………………………...Walt Disney   INTRODUCTION:   Too many owners have: (a) already sold their company to private equity for a pittance, (b) semi-retired, and are looking for a buyer, or (c) don’t have a clue - in today’s conditions - what direction they should pursue.  The key underlying issue is often, " Who is capable of leading this organization forward..? ” (No one is really expecting to be saved by, “A rising tide lifts all boats.”) I’m of the opinion that if you are tracking “the river of information” flowing through your organization, most company direction questions can be answered. For example : 1.     Does your receptionist record (if you have a receptionist) who called, and why, that you can’t supply or service? (If all or most callers have to use a voicemail system for choosing the department they want, then each department should record what a receptionist should have recorded – “Why the call that we can’t supply…?”) We have two clients following up every caller who was not able to be serviced as a prospective customer – Types of Questions asked,  “How did you get our name? What does your organization do? Can we help you find the supplier you need? Who should we contact in Marketing…? In Purchasing…?”   In the hands of a skilled conversationalist, they are surprised how many new, sizable customers and additional Leads - these follow-up discussions are leading to…!  At least Quarterly ,  if not Monthly , those logbooks from No. 1 above should be reviewed –  for the previous six months , including calculating the frequency of similar needs…! (Yes, you are looking at evolving market demand.) At least Quarterly, if not Monthly , you want to measure the frequency of requests for additional Services.  Examples include : (a) delayed or rushed shipments, (b) additions and deletions of shipping/mailing recipients/destinations, (c) requests for copies of previously used images, (d) support of many varieties for Trade Show attendance  (a business all by itself), (e) tracking and reporting on customer and Field Rep literature requests,  (f) customer website updates – creation – and – redesign, and (g) Creative Design, (h) rush, emergency orders, and (i) Storage & Fulfillment (including receiving trailer-loads of materials from operations your customer just bought, and has no clue of the details – they need you to receive, count, report - and store it…! There’s an opportunity to promote, with a fee - for every item listed above – and though I have a client who asks, “ Does that turn my Press cylinders?”  – maybe “yes,” and maybe “no” – but for sure – those Services make you more valuable to your customers. SUMMARY : What you should be doing next tends to become self-evident if you are capturing and studying the river of information that’s flowing through your organization, for your next management and company direction decisions. “Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending, it turned into a butterfly.”     ………………………..………………………. ……….. Anonymous Copyright© 2024 Chadwick Consulting, Inc. All rights reserved. Contact Us Phone: (336) 558-4939

  • Owners and Senior Managers - Passively - Obsessively - Avoid Change......Until It's Too Late....

    By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc. – 08/08/2024 Published in  American Printer  :  “ Sid's article reviews how a Customer Survey, honed over decades, created over half a million dollars in new business from existing clients. However, not all clients pursued these opportunities. Sid underscores the value of relationships, noting that the survey results helped a client recover from Chapter 11.” “Culture eats Strategy… for breakfast” …………………………...Peter F. Drucker, Management Consultant, Educator and Author INTRODUCTION : Multiple References are available for whom we developed – well over a half-million $’s of additional, immediate business opportunities –  from current customers ….through use of a unique Customer Survey process, we refined over three decades. However, I’ve learned, slowly, that not everyone wants that. Through that process, we also developed -  over a dozen current customers  – for  each  of those clients - who wanted to discuss developing a  Long-Term Agreement  – to save time and $, and increase productivity – for both supplier and buyer. I’ve had to learn that not everyone wants that (though most bankers wish their commercial print customers – would develop those agreements – for improving the stability of their customers’ business, and reducing risks.) Through that process, we also developed –  well over one hundred requests  for additional products and services – from current customers – for each of those clients. (Products and services their customers didn’t know about, or had forgotten – were available.) I’ve had to learn that not everyone wants that additional business – at decent prices - from current customers (rather than discounted prices – required to win a new customer). At one of those clients, we fearlessly took-on a new client who was in Chapter 11.  We stepped forward to get involved because of a 20+ year relationship with their best, newly acquired Account Executive – who asked us to get involved. (This business is still - often - about – “Relationships.”) Note : Our Survey Results shocked them, and were instrumental in them getting out of Chapter 11….! SUMMARY : A close personal friend has spent much of the last week (really parts of several years) attending to a nephew in the ICU of a hospital, and in support of his grieving mother and father.  Attending doctors have this week told the family, with this being his 5th such hospital stay, and his kidneys and liver shutting down, that he won’t be leaving the hospital this time, though he repeatedly at each previous hospital stay - promised - everyone - he would quit drinking. There’s a pervasive, rare sense of both grief and bitterness - for his impending and  unnecessary loss ….He’s 40 years old. Somehow, there’s a parallel here, that’s hard to miss . “If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission” ……….. Anonymous

  • Playing.... The Long Game....

    By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc. – 07/25/2024 Published in  American Printer  :  “ Is your company struggling with mediocre performance? Sid's article can help you discover how a company performance improvement program can help transform your business. Learn to highlight benefits to customers, the community, and your team while celebrating progress.” “For the last 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’ And whenever the answer has been ‘No’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.” …………………………...Steve Jobs   INTRODUCTION:   If you could no longer tolerate your company’s continued mediocre performances…and you publicly…courageously… initiated a  Company Performance Improvement Program …. wouldn’t it: Need to include…  all employees…all departments …and  all suppliers …? Need to identify and promote…the (short and long-term)  benefits  to your customers…your community…your employees…and your suppliers…? Need to track-and-post on walls… in  each department  - key  performance objectives….and evolving changes …? Need to frequently identify – and promote – newly discovered issues… that could and need to be improved…? Need to identify and promote…. progress... and - almost  progress…that occurs…? Organizationally celebrate the progress… that occurs…(in  ALL  departments –  as one Team …!)? Make sure senior management – is publicly committed…and publicly involved….! SUMMARY : Doesn’t such an initiative need to be grounded in a  Business and Revenue Development Strategy  – that focuses on which customer profiles… love your company – the most….? Would your smartest customers… and prospects…want to be  kept up-to-date  …on your performance improvement objectives… and progress …? Shouldn’t your  Proposals … to your  major Prospects and Customers …include the details…the progress…and the short and long-term objectives…of your “ Continuous Performance Improvement Program ”….? ( Wouldn’t they really want to know and keep-up with your progress….? Wouldn’t they want a supplier… like you…?) “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” ……….. Sir Winston Churchill

  • Ego....vs....Mission

    By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc. – 07/11/2024 Published in  American Printer  :   “In this article, Sid reviews the challenges in organizational execution and improvement. Discover why prioritizing values, effective execution, and continuous improvement are crucial for sustained success in today's competitive landscape.” …“ My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made  perfect in weakness.” ……... 2 Corinthians 12   INTRODUCTION:    Lack of execution, of relentless follow-through… of continuous improvement … not a mystery.   Evidence of false reporting….of “non-reporting”…is now recognized emanating from the highest offices of our land….mostly because participants can no longer hide their previous lies…and half-truths.   However, few of us are able to throw the first rocks….. For example :  In most organizations, there’s no written Plan or Business Development Strategy follow-up from problem-solving discussions,  especially  if facilitated by an outside advisor .   There are few employee development opportunities…To move up,  you have to leave. The Training Programs the company keeps buying are not attended  by senior management, are not about our industry, and seem to be – repeatedly worthless as measured by results….much because of little required follow-through. There’s no “Continuous Improvement” program, especially for our  Reps and CSR’s….as evidenced by the “ Requests for Estimates ” they turn in….which too often show little care for details…! Seldom is a customer asked,  “What do you wish were better – next  time….?”…That IS followed-up. Quote Letters  represent a “race to the bottom price,” rather than an  in-depth understanding of  what the customer really wants and  doesn’t  want. There are few (really – NONE…!) “ updated charts of department  performance over time ” – with objectives –  on department walls  - for employees and visitors – to review and question. There are no scheduled Customer Trade Shows  to attend… for developing new customers and new business… Outrageous success requires (a) thoughtful preparations and Research, (b) relentless  follow-up, and accountability, (c) Systematic Reporting re. “Productivity and results from relentless follow-up” …and… (d) "What should we do better next time….?  “ Our Graphic Communication schools don’t report…or publish : Starting salaries of their graduates…and there’s an embarrassing reason for that…! Feedback from their graduates’ employers re. “ What needs to be improved…?” Feedback from their graduates re….  “What you didn’t tell us…or prepare us to expect….or… make us learn….or… make us work on our communication skills…or make us learn what our employers would expect….!” How relevant… and too often, increasingly irrelevant… is our curriculum? (Which graduates are earning the highest salaries….?) Why does the University of Houston have one required course – with  ten classes  - each calendar year…? (Yeah…Professor Mark Hargrove….!) That the school may not be accredited….or… that their accreditation may be “ on probation .” SUMMARY : The good news : The marketplace has big ears….and doesn’t tolerate mediocrity.   Organizations with out-of-date senior management…and thinking, who don’t recognize the commitment and  constant improvement  that’s required in today’s environment… to serve customers……   Aren’t here much longer.   No matter how deep your hole, if commitment is made to correct your values, execution, communications and priorities…. if you’re willing to do the work ….your desired future is waiting…..   “I trained four years to run nine seconds, and people give up when they don’t see results in two months.” ……… Usain Bolt

  • Do Your Prospects - Know - and Remember - Your Capabilities....?

    By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc. – 06/20/2024 Published in American Printer : “In this article, Sid reviews a sales strategy for securing new clients without traditional hiring costs. Sid discusses how targeted prospecting and strategic emails could transform your approach, promising significant results in just three months. Read Sid's very informative article.” “…In the course of a year, most Prospects will have at least two weeks of disappointment… from their current supplier…..”…….Source: Anonymous INTRODUCTION: I discouraged my client’s CEO from hiring a Sales Rep – to pursue new accounts…for his new Web-Press. I believed he could achieve his objective of “one new publishing customer a month” – through different means. Background includes: (a) he had never, in 13 years, had a successful Sales Rep, and (b) he did not in the privacy of his heart believe anything would be different – this time. At a recent Peer Group Meeting, after his Peers had given him their suggestions on how to hire a successful Rep, I asked, “Would you like to hear an alternative, with radically lower cost, and lower risk…?Being an expert Cost-Accountant and CPA, I had his undivided attention (plus a few Peer Group Members.) Several Key Questions: Could you develop 150+ legitimate Publishing Prospects – in your trading area? (He and his V.P. of Business Development – both – said “Yes.”) If we gave you the databases, could you in the next 30 days develop these Prospects’ top 2 to 3 Owners/managers’ emails…? (He and his V.P. of Business Development – both – said “Yes.”) If we developed about “20 catchy Blast emails for your organization,” for you to send to these 150+ Prospects – on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month, can you come-up with another 20-30 more for your company…?  (He and his V.P. of Business Development – both – said “Yes, they thought they could.”) Here's my promise: “If you send one blast Email, every 1st and 3rd Wednesday, to 150+ Prospects, you’ll start to receive - at least one serious inquiry a week, that turns a Prospect – into – a Customer……within three months of your starting your Blast Emails (short messages, explaining your capabilities, and your unique culture, that make you who you are to customers who love you)….!” SUMMARY: You don’t necessarily need a new, full-time Sales Rep…You do, however need….. “A Closer.” Last week I had lunch with a CEO, who thinks he might want his V.P.,  who’s a very bright, experienced, trusted employee – to represent him in our CEO Peer Group. Their revenues are $7 million, and profitability exceeds 10%. However, they have 8 Inside Sales Reps…and NO Outside Sales Reps. His words at lunch were…”What we needed….was a Closer.” Just a coincidence…? I don’t think so. “….I’m convinced that about half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones… is pure perseverance….”….Steve Jobs

  • Is Your Leadership Measuring & Reviewing... At Least Quarterly... Your Customer Contact & Performance Changes......? Why Not....?

    By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc. – 06/06/2024 Published in American Printer : “Sid reviews the keys to enhancing company performance and strengthening customer relationships. He dives into the details that make all the difference, from monitoring customer interactions to fine-tuning services. Discover Sid's practical growth tips and keep customers coming back for more.” Not reported by major news services….“…Despite the gradual slowdown in official inflation readings over the past several months, the Conference Board reported that....The share of consumers expecting higher interest rates over the year ahead also rose, to 56.2% from 55.2%....”… The Wall Street Journal, May 29, 2024. INTRODUCTION: If you were tracking closely what was changing in company performance – and - your customer contact behaviors, you’d have a better idea….of what to do next….! Too often, if the top-line and bottom-line look half-way acceptable, and particularly when comparing “Year-to-Date” numbers, then there’s little in-depth discussion about what appears to be changing, and what needs follow-up…! Too few organizations are reviewing, calculating…at least quarterly… Which customers did not call for a quote this month/quarter…? (Too often, this omission is only discovered after we’re six months “down the road”…) Which customers have an interest in a long-term agreement. (The value of your company would change almost immediately. Note: A few of our best clients have over 40% of their customers on “long-term agreements.”) What requests occurred that we did not respond positively to…? (These questions/requests can occur with CSR’s, Sales Reps, Drivers, Receptionists, and Estimators). Note: Did we follow-up to assist the caller, and learn more about them, and who they know or are related to…? Who requested a Service that they normally don’t request, and what was it? (e.g., Samples shipped to a Press Conference, delayed shipments after a “Rush Request,” Shorter runs that became Digital instead of Offset, Skipping of a Quarterly Publication, product put into Storage & Fulfillment, Trade Show support,  etc.) Which customers did we ask, “What would you like us to improve next time?” What did we hear…? Which target prospects did we ask, “On this project sample from your regular supplier, what do you wish were better?” What did we hear? Number of Plant Tours…especially with prospects & customers last quarter..? “Plant Tour Survey” results…? What are our goals re. Value-Added as a % of Revenues…? How are we improving the quality and content of our Requests for Estimates that our customers receive…? What Trade Shows were attended? Results…?  What needs to improve…? How many Referrals were captured last month…? Last quarter…? Were converted…? How many previous Referrals placed their 2nd and 3rd orders…? Which customers have upcoming Anniversaries…? Which customers received “Letters of Appreciation”… for their timely payments…? How many Periodic Business Reviews were conducted…with Top 20 customers? Do we have any scheduled for next quarter…? Were Reports issued to customers re. “What was learned…?” What % of our revenues do our top ten customers generate? Any Improvements…?  Any improvements expected…? What alterations were not charged? Why? Compared to previous months…? How many customer Proofs had errors? Why? Compared to previous months…? Follow-up…? What departments and shifts improved their productivity/revenue per employee hour worked…? Per payroll dollar…? Which employees are in skills development classes this quarter…? Which classes…? Where do we need better Cross-Training…and “back-up”…to ensure reliable deliveries? Are Sales Rep & Inside CSR Training Sessions scheduled for the upcoming quarter…?  Are Agendas approved by participants…? Have all employees received written Performance Reviews – in the last 6 months…? Someone… needs to take notes and issue minutes… from these discussions. And your next Monthly or Quarterly Review needs to begin with - a Review of these minutes…! SUMMARY: You can’t do everything at once….With that said, weren’t there a dozen or so options you just read – that caught your attention - that are worth initiating….? Too many organizations may give problems and opportunities… a limited Review…and then… fail… when it comes to “committed, relentless follow-up.” Accountability…flows from the top down. Customers want to… frequently be reminded…what their best suppliers are doing – to keep their performance at a top-notch, sharp edge…! Follow-up surprises and opportunities…are guaranteed…and tend to lead to thrilling, new initiatives…that improve the value of your customers, and your company…! “I’ll tell you what leadership is…It’s persuasion and conciliation and education and patience. It’s long, slow, tough work. That’s the only kind of leadership I know.”….President Eisenhower, Gen. Jim Mattis, Sec. of Defense, Call Sign Chaos, p. 19.

  • What If... Everyone... Did Something...

    By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc. – 05/16/2024Published in American Printer : “Sid's article stresses the importance of individual and collective action, using the example of a commercial printing company as a catalyst for positive change in the community. It highlights the need for active engagement in addressing local issues. Read his insights to inspire change in a world craving accountability.” “Sid…. ‘Still enjoy your newsy & inspiring emails… Mary & I are increasingly involved in our community with Refuge Resettlement efforts. So far 4 Syrian & 3 Ukrainian families ... 30 folks deliriously grateful to be out of their Civil War (though many relatives still there!) and enjoying freedom in USA along with the opportunities to earn a living for their families in this country of FREEDOM. Best regards, Clint….” ….C. Clint Bolte, Respected Industry Consultant INTRODUCTION: What do we do with our time…? What could we do with our time…? My awareness is that we are on a slow but hopeful path to regain values we once honored – automatically – as a country – as a culture. We see this now at universities, as Boards are changing their budgets – from protecting programs that supported teaching diversity, equity and inclusion – that seem to have become instead – divisiveness,  exclusion, and indoctrination – to increased campus law enforcement and safety – for the laws “on the books – that were not supported – and enforced.” We see this as students carrying guns and ammunition to middle and senior high schools, placed in juvenile detention, with $100,000+ bonds, and parents are charged with responsibility for their children’s violations and assaults on innocent victims, whose lives and families were changed – forever. We see this in political arenas, as rejection of vicious “weaponization of our judicial system” – has slow but growing accountability, as we work to regain our sense of mutual respect and decency – for our system of democracy. In effect, none of us can continue to allow or expect – someone else to solve local problems. SUMMARY: Clint Bolte’s informative note – was a wake-up call for me, personally. We generally are safe in our homes, or should be – because of sacrifices and commitments – of others – many of whom went before us. A commercial printing company represents the crossroads of a community, and can have profound influence – for good. It’s our turn – at the front of the line. “I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something, and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.” ………Edward Everett Hale, American Author, Historian, and Unitarian Minister

  • Great Players… Have A Fierce Work Ethic… and A Great Coach

    By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc. – 05/02/2024 Published in American Printer : “In this article, Sid discusses how talented employees are slipping away because they lack guidance. Learn how to cultivate champions with a strong work ethic and effective coaching. Don't settle for less—invest in your team's growth and watch them excel. Who will you empower next?” “We don’t have time to waste on Sales Training…or Listening Skills…or Relationship Development…for Reps… or Inside Sales Reps….We hire experienced Reps, and they need to be out selling….!”…..V.P. of Sales, with 14 Sales Reps INTRODUCTION: How many talented people, with hopes of finding an employer who wants them to develop and be successful pass through our doors as employees…and then move on…? Evidence is that most employees desperately want opportunities to develop. However, from their 1st day of employment, do they know: Who to go to with questions needing answers…? What their employer’s and supervisor’s expectations are for: (a) skills development, (b) what to learn and do, and (c) what not to do….? People forget…so quickly……(…if we ever knew…): Tom Brady was Draft Pick No. 199 in the 6th Round (Think about that…!). No one will beat his Conference Championship or Super Bowl records – in my lifetime. Steph Curry was too small, too skinny, and passed over by both UNC-Chapel Hill - and Duke. He then carried his Davidson College Team to the NCAA Final 8. Now in the NBA, he has changed the game of basketball at all levels (grade school, college and professional, Internationally, men and women – “Go Caitlin..!”) - Forever…with his 3-point shooting prowess – ! Jensen Huang, founder and CEO of NVDIA, the leading AI company worth over a Trillion dollars by market capitalization, was born in Taiwan. English is his second language. He and his brother were sent to live with a relative in Tacoma, WA - at the age of nine. To anyone who asks Jensen Huang, Tom Brady, or Steph Curry, they’ll tell us that their fierce work ethic - is the only reason they accomplished – and are still accomplishing – their life’s work…! “You gotta do the work….” You and I know Reps - whose major customers (a) don’t want to work with anyone else - but them…and… (b) after meeting your Rep once, don’t have time to see them again. I’ve told more than one client, who asked, “How do I pick the Sales Rep to hire? My response: “Give me the Sales Rep with mediocre talent, and a ‘fierce work ethic,’  and we’ll develop a champion.” However, “Give me a socially skilled, bright Rep, with little to no work ethic, and I’ll show you someone who will compromise almost everything they touch.” SUMMARY: Most champions tell us that there was – one person – usually a coach or a supervisor – who gave them: Recognition for a job well done. Instruction for what could be improved. And…repeatedly told them their potential was significant – waiting to be developed. Who in your “Circle of Influence ” – is privately thinking about moving on to another company ….or are you personally developing - into a champion…? “You can not allow your passion for excellence to destroy your compassion for them as human beings.”…..General Jim Mattis, Call Sign Chaos, p.173. Copyright © 2024 Chadwick Consulting, Inc. All rights reserved. | Contact Us Phone: (336) 558-4939

  • The Self-Delusion of Growing Sales – to Solve Profit Issues

    By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc. – 04/18/2024 Published in American Printer : “A president seeks advice on improving profitability in a struggling web plant. Through a simple accounting revelation, they uncover stark differences in customer value. Sid's article highlights the need for profit-focused strategies and departmental accountability when facing economic challenges.” “Every few months a leader has to step back and question what he and his organization are doing”…..Sec. of Defense, General Jim Mattis, Call Sign Chaos, p.175. INTRODUCTION: The president of a sizable Web-Plant, specializing in promotional brochures and catalogs, in extending an invitation, wanted to be sure I understood up front: “We don’t like Consultants.” As I was ushered into their Boardroom, I found myself in a room of about twenty-some managers and senior executives, with one open seat…for me. Their president explained their dilemma. Simply – “We are out of capacity, with no more capacity available to grow either sales or profits…..and profits - are no better than break-even.” “What should we do…?” I turned to their IT group at the table, and asked, “Do your current accounting records show  ‘Value-Added dollars -for each customer’s revenues,’ as well as an ‘industry classification’ for each customer, such that you can list, in descending order, all customers, by industry classification, showing their collective classification’s  Value-Added Revenue %’s…?” His response: “We’ve never shown that, but we can….would take us about two hours.” They took me to a modest lunch, asking what I thought we’d see from their IT group when we got back, reminding me they didn’t like Consultants, took a ‘quickie’  Plant Tour, and we were back in their Boardroom, with everyone receiving their IT Department’s printout that showed: “All Customers’ Revenues. and Value-Added $’s, organized by Customer Classification Group (e.g., Ad Agencies, Higher Education/Universities, Gun Manufacturers, Ladies Fashions, Retail, etc., etc.) – in descending order.” At the top, highest Value-Added Customer Groups - were Italian Gun Manufacturers, and Italian Designer Clothing Label names. At the bottom, showing near zero and even negative Value-Added numbers -  were American Automotive Aftermarket Manufacturers. The Boardroom suddenly seemed unusually quiet; several folks even seemed uncomfortable. I asked, “With this new information, what do you think we should do?” To my surprise, the room remained quiet. (There was an ‘elephant in the room’….!) Their president, in a somber tone….spoke up, “Those bottom accounts are mine….that my CSR’s service for me, and for which I receive a commission….!” “…….As you were told up-front before your visit…. we don’t like Consultants.” Later, their V.P. of Sales asked me what he should communicate to his Sales Reps and CSR’s. I suggested he make sure they know who your Top Ten Value-Added Customer Classifications are going forward, and that he should meet privately with his president – for resolving the “lack of profit customers” issue. SUMMARY: Regrettably, any company that pursues adding sales, and then equipment and capacity, in order to add more sales – and so on, to…. eventually make a profit, gets “caught” – in the negative macro-economic cycle (called a “Recession”)  – that’s always waiting, and eventually occurs. Profit improvement is a department issue – not just a company issue. Too many departments have no goals or strategies to improve profitability, have no graphs on the walls – showing department performance. I’ve observed and know – too many lost presidents – after they face the reality  – they didn’t think would ever catch them. This deadly game is not just for companies – but is also true for countries – as the U.S. is projected to add another $2 Trillion to our indebtedness, that one day - does come due. Who’s in charge of leadership in your organization – for improving profitability….? “I’ll tell you what leadership is. It’s persuasion and conciliation and education and patience. It’s long, slow, tough work. That’s the only kind of leadership I know.”……..from President Eisenhower, per Sec. of Defense, Gen. Jim Mattis, Call Sign Chaos, p.19. Copyright © 2024 Chadwick Consulting, Inc. All rights reserved. | Contact Us Phone: (336) 558-4939

  • What's Your Organization's Comfort Level....?

    By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc. – 04/04/2024 Published in American Printer : “Sid’s article reviews how setting ambitious goals and fostering team understanding are key to high performance. Temporary discomfort may occur. Still, it leads to improvement. Inspired leadership can significantly boost productivity. Your departments should embrace transparency and goal-setting for better results.” “I trained four years to run nine-seconds…and people give-up when they don’t see results in two months.”………….Usain Bolt, Brian Dodd On Leadership NTRODUCTION: Most high-performance organizations tell us that when establishing new, higher-performance goals, those goals and ambitions need to be understood and respected by their performance teams. Any pain or discomfort – tends to be temporary – by the “User Team” - going forward. Those not willing to put forth their best efforts – tend to soon depart, which also improves the performance of those remaining. (Hellooo…!) We see that in our basic military training units. We see that in our secondary school and college teams. Great players often credit their achievements to a coach – who inspired and nurtured them beyond what they thought was achievable. Consultant Ray Prince and I conducted 3-Day Pressroom Workshops, usually attended by half a dozen companies and up to ten Pressroom Crews. By our 3rd Day, commitments were in writing from attendees that would generate significant additional company productivity and revenue inspired by Front-line Pressroom Leadership. (Pressroom Managers were not allowed to attend or to speak to their crews. Once this was recognized and understood by attendees – honesty and candor could develop – including trust, and ambitious goals that were recognized as achievable. Follow-up of attendees 3-Days - was mandatory. Some attending companies reported attaining as much as one shift of additional productivity – per day - at no additional labor cost…! Results were shared among attending Press Crews. It’s been written that the American worker is potentially the most productive in the world. It’s in our DNA. No kings or queens came to America – only individuals and cultures – “striving to be free.” We see evidence to this effect in our inspirational NCAA Tournament games. For example, UConn is breaking and establishing radical new winning game margins – while getting to the Final Four as this column is written - beating great teams – without shooting, or needing to shoot - many 3-Point shots….! (Breaking the developing pop culture that you can’t win in today’s competition - without lots of 3-point shots.) UConn’s relentless intensity of purpose – takes your breath away…! (Do you dare think they aren’t measuring and critically, productively- reviewing – everything….? What could we do better….?) SUMMARY: Are your different departments, publicly charting, at least biweekly, their (improving…?) productivity…? Are biweekly (or monthly) department and shift discussions conducted, and reported to the Teams – about what could be – and is - improved…? (Are managers required to attend, but not allowed to interfere with discussions…?) If you have 5 employees, or 200, tell me you can’t measure and publicly chart your organization’s performance – that leads to performance improvement…? Interesting observation re. “Measuring Performance:” My neighborhood kids have afternoon half-court pick-up basketball games, I love to see. (They are not inside, glued to their digital smart phones…!) If you attempt to take away their ability to keep score, their game – instantly – stops….! Is there a lesson there for your departments…? Who’s nurturing the competitive spirit in your organization….? “I trained four years to run nine-seconds…and people give-up when they don’t see results in two months.”………….Usain Bolt, Brian Dodd On Leadership Copyright © 2024 Chadwick Consulting, Inc. All rights reserved. |Contact Us Phone: (336) 558-4939

  • What's Your Participation....... Your Choice...?

    By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc. – 03/21/2024 “Today, Ukraine’s survival is in danger and America’s security is at risk….And it’s a matter of honor and security for America….Putin is watching. The world is watching…and history is watching…”…..Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin INTRODUCTION: The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans no longer provide temporary protection to the U.S…..Think about that…. There are only a few moments in our lives when what we do…can have a significant impact on our future…and the future of everyone dear to our lives…….Sometimes doing nothing IS doing something. The choice of not acting can leave us – and everyone we love – with a much-reduced future. Think about that. For over two years, Ukrainians are fighting…and dying…for their country, their families…and you and me…. our children, and our grandchildren, and our way of life…. That’s a fact…and not easy to think about… We are at an “inflection point” in world history….and U.S history… And every reader of this column has the ability to write, today, to their Congressional representatives (both Senators and House of Representatives), and friends. “Get that legislation passed - Immediately…for weapons and support to Ukraine.” SUMMARY: “Every generation must decide what Democracy means to them…” ... Ronald Reagan, October 27, 1964  (In a speech later named, “A Time for Choosing” - A major turning point in Reagan’s political career.)

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