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No Shortage of Talent.... Wanting.... Needing.... Development


By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc. – 02/10/2023 Published in American Printer

I’ve always been attracted to the more revolutionary changes. I don’t know why. Because they’re harder. They’re much more stressful emotionally. And you usually go through a period where everybody tells you that you’ve completely failed.”…………Steve Jobs


Memories of my entry from a wildly successful 11 ½ years heavy industrial manufacturing into this great industry in 1983 included a quiet shock regarding:

  • How bright everyone was…

  • How hungry younger employees were to learn everything they could about their craft and its evolving technologies.

  • How much technology was in every department…that kept changing…we were on the edge (1984) of The Macintosh Personal Computer’s commercial entry…

After my second “Million Mile Certificate” from Delta about a decade ago, my travel schedule slowed, seemingly in concert when Dr. Jerry Waite (Department Chair at the time for the U. of Houston) requested and accepted my proposal, which formed the core of a radically new curriculum course for learning how to use public databases to solve everyday business problems - for commercial printers’ customers - of all stripes.

That lead into development of university online curriculum courses, courtesy of the Pandemic, that your brightest employees can now take (from their home or office), updating their skills to the technologies and thinking our industry’s OEM manufacturers are creating, and our universities are preparing students to use.

Over 100 Online Graphic Communication courses – and growing - are now available to employees - without their being full-time students.

Key Point: Your best, brightest employees can get updated on today’s newest technologies, equipment, and business strategies – while still working for their current employer…!

Key Point: You have a new “recruitment tool and strategy” for recruiting bright, want-to-work, strategically skilled employees, with or without our industry’s experience. It’s the exception - that an industry “builds-in” ongoing employee on-the-job learning - for introduction of new technologies and skills.

Supporting, Dramatic New Resource: Introduction to Graphic Communication – A New Kind of Book Combining PRINT & Multimedia Engagement, By Harvey Levenson and John Parsons. This profound text is overwhelming on first glance, for illustrating and explaining the richness of our great industry, and its future. (Note: This text is being used by well over twenty colleges, universities, and even high schools – to introduce students to our great industry’s rich, dynamic future.) Multiple CEO Members of my Peer Groups are ordering additional copies for their brightest, and for targeted recruitment.

Go to “”… or click this link… for introduction to these dramatic new resources.


Is there excitement and innovation in your organization, that’s being led by department leaders…or is everyone waiting and looking to you for answers and direction….?

Are your best and brightest setting an example, with your encouragement, of moving to a more challenging and successful future – for them… and your organization…?

Do you and your best customers regularly discuss what innovations they could use from your organization, and your great industry - to improve their financial performance, or are you waiting for them to… “Ask for a quote”….?

Andragogy…the understanding of the science and practice of adult learning,” originally coined by German educator Alexander Kapp - in 1833.

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