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To improve the organization and personal performance of clients, through research, education, publishing and consulting --- providing clients with options --- for improved performance.
Visitor Must Read...Customer Survey Testimonials...No other organization equals our 1000+% ROI.
Published Articles
Customer Surveys
Customer Survey Testimonials
CEO Peer Group(s)
Curriculum Courses for Employees
Plant Manager's Peer Group(s)
Peer Group Testimonials
Client Testimonials
Business Development Directors' Peer Groups
Words of Wisdom
Research Prospects
Research Training Workshop
Contact Information
Research Resources
"Customer Survey" Educational Newsletter
Inside Sales Team Training
Published Articles
The Resources section opens-up well over 700 published articles to your selection, ranging from "Development of Customers", to "Retention of Employees", to "Improved Self-Promotion Options". Some long-term clients have archived everything we've had published. Other clients use our articles and columns --- for their Sales Education Meetings. Other industries --- outside of Graphic Communications --- use our articles and columns, as we are told that most are "universal" and "timeless" --- in their content.

The Ben Franklin Society

NAPL's Walter E. Soderstrom Society
Chadwick Consulting, Inc. is a strategic business development, marketing and sales training organization committed to improving business outcomes for the graphic communications industry. Client-based research services assist in identifying prospects, determining revenue development opportunities, compiling background information for customer development, creating appointments and self-promotion materials, and developing responses for RFQ’s and RFP’s.
Chadwick Consulting, Inc. represents over thirty years of professional experience in account development and strategic marketing management in business-to-business environments. Sid Chadwick has worked as a marketing field consultant in graphic communications markets for over twelve years, and has been a contributing columnist to various graphic communications publications, including Printing Impressions, IPA Bulletin, American Printer, Graphic Arts Monthly, Georgia Printer, and Printing Industries of America Print Management Series.

​Sid Chadwick
Our mission is to improve company and individual performance in the graphic communications industry through business development resulting from research, strategy development, education and training, and publishing.​
The staff of Chadwick Consulting is experienced in customer and prospect research, sales team training, identification and development of company differentiation, team building, continuous productivity improvement, and supervisory development in the graphic communications industry. This can be particularly useful when corporate performance, culture, and interdepartmental communications are in need of improved direction, and/or renewal.
Chadwick Consulting contributes professional articles for publication on a monthly basis, facilitates peer groups, and conducts equipment justification studies from a strategic perspective.
We also conduct employee surveys for employee and supervisor performance development.
In effect, we work to increase clients’ options, and focus – for improving bottom line performance. As a general observation, many clients elect to work with us in varying roles after initial assignments.
Chadwick Consulting is also part of GATF’s Solutions On-Site Consulting Team, and regularly works with industry associations as a speaker, for education and training programs.
Sid’s Educational Background:
1966 – 1969 Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (emphasis in Marketing & Psychology) (4 year degree in 3 years)
1971 – 1973 MSBA at University of NC at Greensboro (Two-year curriculum – night program – Wrote best comprehensive exam in graduating class)
1991 – 1994 Post-Graduate Ph.D Studies in Human and Organizational Development at The Fielding Institute
2019 – 2020 Adjunct Professor at the University of Houston; Wrote Case Study curriculum that has become a required course – 8-10 classes per year, with an excellent Full-time local Professor.
Chadwick Consulting offers a variety of services to meet companies’ needs in the graphic communications industry:
CEO Peer Group Facilitation for Improved Company Performance
Customized, Self-Promotion Newsletters for Client’s Customers
Self Promotion/Business Development Support
Supplier Surveys
Contact us for more information.