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- A Spectacular & Rare Celebration....!
By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc. – 05/04/2023 Published in American Printer “The SMART method means that goals need to be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-specific and recorded.”……Peter Drucker, Consultant, Author, Speaker, Innovator INTRODUCTION: 50 Year Celebrations - by the Founding CEO - and their organization – are rare – in any industry….! On April 28th, Wanzie Collins, CEO of Panaprint, located in Macon, GA, celebrated 50 years in business as a successful Commercial Printer, specializing in production of a wide range of publications, general commercial work, and Wide-Format…! I’ve known Wanzie for well over a decade, and on this evening my wife, Tina, and I sat at the dinner table with his older son and President, Rette Collins - and his family, and the company’s banker - of about 40 years. Over 160 guests, mostly but not only employees, enjoyed a great Southern Celebration Dinner, Awards, memories of tough times - and a few tears, significant personnel achievements, and repeated bursts of laughter. Here are my observations re. his Value System: Make it easy for customers to do business with your organization, and to want to come back. Make it easy for customers to keep your and their promises. Making it easy to do business with your organization requires a broad range of competencies in your personnel. His advocacy of Education in our great Industry goes back multiple decades – even preceding Panaprint (He was instrumental in our developing the “University Curriculum Website for Employees” – a strategic Recruitment and Revitalization of Technical Skills Resource – especially for new employees.) The loss of a good employee was viewed as another opportunity to improve that position’s performance. Loyalty to suppliers from his organization knows few equals. For example, both his main Paper Supplier and his Banker are relationships that approach and exceed 40 years. When he needed them, they were there for him and his organization. Use of Panaprint’s facilities, and Wanzie personally, are often available as Macon, GA works to improve community relationships and understanding. A Printer is often “the crossroads” for a community. His family he is most proud of, as he quietly works in the background to make sure his family’s succeeding generations know the values needed to be sustained for a more stable family and community. For example, “a rough estimate” of Panaprint’s long-term payroll in the Macon community far exceeded $100 million. Long-term conservative decisions and ambitions included growth, but not for growth’s sake, as an opinion. Panaprint’s technology and equipment reinvestments are excellent, including the company’s financial ratios, and reputation for quality production and service. Competing successfully for talented employees against a major military facility and Amazon – has made them a stronger company. SUMMARY: Beyond all that, Wanzie shared that he sometimes, even often - felt the guiding nudge and whisper of our Creator, especially at difficult moments. Looking back, he felt he was never alone. “God’s favorite language is silence.”………St. John of the Cross
- Lead From the Front... By Example...
By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc. – 04/14/2023 Published in American Printer “The Lord GOD has given me the tongue of a teacher, that I may know how to sustain the weary with a word…”……Isaiah 50:4 INTRODUCTION: Production and sales staffs knew…for possibly the 1st time in their careers…: …They had a leader….who would not wait for the phone to ring… …Who recognized the value of relentless, relevant education…for the whole Team… …Who invited Production Supervisors to attend two-hour Sales Team Education Sessions...every two weeks… …Who invited major Customers…AND…major Prospects… to come and talk to The Team in detail about their Best Suppliers…and… their “Previous Suppliers”…. …Every Sales Call would be prepared…with relevant educational content for my Prospect…(and…for me)…. …As a result…I was always invited back…requests for appointments always accepted…for our next “sharing discussion”…. …I deeply understood…if my Buyers wanted to see me…they wanted to buy from me… …We were differentiating ourselves…repeatedly…consistently…. Because my Production Team…and my Suppliers… knew I would ask for …and take instruction, I could make sure my buyers would learn more from me…than anyone else calling on them…! I have no memory of a request for a return appointment….refused. When Dick Gorelick was invited to visit by our company president, Dick’s private key employee interviews heard, “It’s a little scary sometimes…Sid would take on RR Donnelly tomorrow… and probably win.” Received two weeks ago, and provided here with permission: “RE: Recently Published Article by Sid Chadwick Rhett K. Gordon Wed, Mar 29, 2023 at 4:07 PM To: Sarah Ogburn I am an avid reader and recipient of Sid’s newsletters which are not only inspirational but more importantly EDUCATIONAL. I read about the use of “thank you” cards and decided I was going to try it and see what kind of response I got. It worked. Not only did it work, but it was well appreciated by our customers who received it, so much so gifts were sent in return as well as additional work. Truth be told, I also today decided to use two cards to say thanks to two members of staff that took it upon themselves to come in an hour earlier this week in order to process the numerous jobs on the floor. That simple note made a world of difference and all day these two individuals had a completely different demeanor…I could only assume it was the cards. Thank you Sid Chadwick for sharing your wealth of knowledge so freely. Rhett Gordon Rhett K Gordon O.C.F.I.S. Ltd c/o 60 A Boundary Road, Extension San Juan, Trinidad 868 372 2777 (mobile) 868 228 3592 (office)” SUMMARY: How often, or when - did you last send a personal card to an associate, acknowledging their helpful contributions…? Smaller organizations, with young-thinking, ambitious management - in our great industry…are where the hunger to innovate, perform and grow…can be found. Smart CEO’s divide their product and customer groups, and P & L’s…for improved accountability, and recognition…! It’s all about continuous education…and accountability…and giving public acknowledgement to those who support the dream, have a fierce internal work ethic, want to perform, and make their mark. I lived and died off the support from my Production Leadership and Team…they never left me hanging…or working a weekend - that I wasn’t also there - with them…! “Ultimately, we are all teachers”….Wanzie Collins, CEO, Panaprint, Macon, GA
- Are the Inmates In Charge....?
By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc. – 03/24/2023 Published in American Printer “The reason I’m avoiding a Customer Survey, that would probably uncover at least another million dollars of extra business… at current customers… is I know I’ll end-up being the one who has to follow-up on all those new opportunities at current customers…..!” …………………………….Well-Respected Company President INTRODUCTION: The owners’ discussion was going in circles….focusing on: Needing to find and hire a Sales Rep….or two. Observing that current Sales Reps are too comfortable with their traditional productivity - and generous pay. Most of their companies are needing more business…….now. Most are needing to find and hire another CSR… to better support and free up current Sales Reps… who are handling their own work orders. All seemed to want and need an experienced “Print-Industry Sales Trainer” – for improving productivity and discipline…of their current Sales Reps. Finally, I asked permission to ask a few questions (you could see a couple of the owners “start to immediately tighten up”): Do any of you have customers who send you all – and I mean 100% - of their print, signage, and fulfillment work? (There were eight of them assembled for this Meeting – and no one indicated they were getting all of any customer’s work.) Are there any “Major Account Reviews” scheduled for the balance of this year – for you to attend with your Sales Rep (representing a major opportunity to improve both organizations’ Scheduling, Productivity, and Profitability)…..? Don’t these discussions almost always result in additional business…? What internal Incentive-Promotion, of any kind (e.g., Weekend Trip for Two, Dinner for Two at a Steak-House) do you have running that pays a Rep a bonus for developing “Totally New Work” - from a current customer? (or) To break your Team’s expectations of themselves, when did you last offer a bonus for extraordinary performance – that anyone could win (so you would not have just one winner)? How many Plant Tours do you have on average - each month?...Each week? Don’t they practically guarantee your hearing, “I didn’t know you did that?”(Do you insist that your Rep introduce the Visitor to you?) I created a “Plant Tour Customer Survey” – about twenty years ago. Giving that Survey to your Plant Tour Visitor, at the end of your Plant Tour, with a pre-stamped and pre-addressed envelope back to your President – seems to create a “WOW” effect….! (Note: Some users have received two-page letters with the returned Survey.) You may access that “Plant Tour Customer Survey” by this link >>> SUMMARY: The Wall Street Journal ran a story last weekend (‘March Madness Is An M.B.A. in Disguise’ ) – illustrating that a no. 1 seed NCAA Tournament team can be upset by a 13th seed team, especially when the 13th seed team’s coach is a keen observer, and knows how to get his team to trust him - to execute the non-traditional. There were multiple examples in the article, including in 1996 when Princeton upset UCLA, the defending national champion…! It’s my observation that too many commercial print companies are operating much like those eight companies - in that owners’ discussion. Mediocrity – at its best. And there’s the opportunity – for every company and Sales Rep – willing to step out and distinguish yourself – with consistent, extraordinary, personalized service - for your customer. “Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me. Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful…that’s what matters to me.”………..Steve Jobs
- Important Lessons....Too Easily Forgotten
By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc. – 03/10/2023 Published in American Printer “If you think you can’t afford ongoing education and training, you probably don’t realize you’re already paying for it.”……Allie Hutchison, Sr., President, Hutchison-Allgood Printing Co. INTRODUCTION: My Adm. Asst. had just asked for a corporate “Thank You Card.” A long-term retired military officer and friend, working for charitable organizations in Alexandria, VA, had spent the better part of an hour guiding my Assistant on where to go for: (a) “How to write a successful Grant request”, and (b) “Where to find Grant money for our project.” When did you last (ever…?) see a Sales Rep - or an Inside Sales Rep - or a CSR – write a “Thank You Note” - to a customer - or a supplier? Does any of the following sound familiar? I wouldn’t know what to say… My handwriting isn’t good... We don’t have any “Thank You Cards” here…do we…? Do I have to pay for the stamp…? I don’t have time for that… Can’t I just send an email… Isn’t that kind of corny…old-fashioned…? People don’t do that anymore… When a deserving person receives a “Thank You Card,” professional coaches tell us the recipient tends to save it…placing it in a private folder, filed away in a private drawer. On a day when bad news has arrived, or nothing much has gone right, they privately pull out that folder, and read those two to five or more cards – to remind them that they’re a decent person –and this is just not a good day. At a client in Texas some years back, a disruption in their long-term senior management ranks - sent their front-line 13 CSR’s into emotional shell shock. The investment group who had bought into the company, who had to release the senior manager, were suddenly running scared. They had little credibility with old-guard employees. The investment group was seen as “the enemy.” Their new CFO, whom I had known in a previous company and project, asked me to come in and work some magic, to stabilize and refocus this critical department. As one of several steps to “break the department’s paralysis,” I asked their CFO if they had any corporate “Thank You Cards.” At first he said, “No”. Then he rethought the question, and went around the hallway corner, returning with a huge box of “Corporate Thank You Cards” – and a sheepish grin, saying, “They were buried in a closet under the stairway – I’m told no one ever uses them...” In our first group discussion, we began brainstorming opportunities to send a customer or a supplier Rep – a “Thank You Card,” and options of “What to say.” The department agreed, after spirited discussion, that all 13 of them could, and would – send two “Thank You Cards” – every week. I promised them there would be wonderful surprises. (It was also a test of who I was, and what I represented.) When I returned two weeks later on my next visit, stories began to tumble my way…you could practically taste their excitement - to share their stories and emotions – of what they were making happen, as they heard: Several customers called them on receiving “Thank You Notes,” increasing their order quantities. Numerous customers said they had never received a “Thank You Card.” Several customers called, and added a new item to their previous order. Numerous customers, for the first time in memory, paid the quoted price – no negotiating down. A few customers offered introductions – to other departments and divisions. SUMMARY: Next evolutionary steps: Track and publicly record each week’s number of “Thank You Cards” mailed. Record revenues this month compared to last year’s same month. Get those CSR’s started - proactively calling customers – never before expected, requested, trained - recorded - in the department. Writing those powerful “Thank You Cards,” proactively calling customers, and recording “the numbers” every week and month on a board in their department - became a source of frequent celebration and accomplishment – that they owned…! When the summer quarter was over, revenues had grown by just over 10% over the previous year, rather than decreased. There was no more waiting - for their phones to ring…! (Note: The investment group who had asked me to come in I don’t think ever fully realized the potential change in the value of their investment that had been created. There was no one assigned to insist (and celebrate) that those weekly and monthly activities and numbers were to be maintained, after my assignment concluded.) “One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn’t pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself.”………..Lucille Ball
- Your Thoughtful Customers Are Correct... To Be Nervous....!
By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc. – 02/24/2023 Published in American Printer “It’s only when the tide goes out that you learn who’s been swimming naked.”…..Warren Buffett, 1992 Letter to Shareholders, Berkshire Hathaway INTRODUCTION: We’ve had a few well-run Peer Group Members recently experience unexpected “uncollectable bad debts.” With recent Retail Activity Reports exceeding expectations, the Fed is now expected to raise interest rates three more times by June, and predictions are growing that - “the tide is preparing to go out.” Our Federal Reserve continues to tell us that it is committed to “breaking the back of inflation” through: (a) raising interest rates, (b) reducing M1 (the money supply), for (c) bringing unemployment back to normal levels. “The gap” between unfilled job openings and unemployment numbers – is unprecedented, and not really changing much. Only disciplined organizations, that are constantly vigilant, and lucky, can make it through this financially squeezing tunnel – unscathed. Experienced economists, like Larry Summers, to major banks and investment houses are consistent: “the probability of a Recession that mirrors or is worse than 2008-2010 - keeps increasing.” And those predictions do not appear to incorporate or mirror the geo-political scene. A Few Suggestions: Do not stop developing additional business – from credit-worthy customers and prospects. Be more purposeful and discrete. That said, be particularly vigilant of a new account that you’ve not been courting very long. (Who are they late in paying?) When evaluating credit extensions, be sure to count Outstanding Quotes (this activity requires your resources), Order Entry and W-I-P, and not just what has been invoiced. Work to Invoice W-I-P that’s been put “on hold.” Don’t hesitate to ask for up-front deposits for significant projects, and especially for 1st orders. Review all customers who are suddenly paying later than normal - by a week or more. Give them a polite courtesy call. Asking for signed personal letters of guarantee is not unusual. Be particularly vigilant of major customers wanting 60 and 90-day standard terms of payment. Will you “charge-back” if they’re late? Credit card payments should require an additional 2%, minimum. Sales Reps are to confidentially report back if a customer’s office or plant conditions have lost an orderliness, or are on short hours. We had our major commercial bank get us information re. major customers’ credit worthiness, including a recommendation re. credit risk. That information was often - helpful. SUMMARY: What you set the credit and collection rules to be should send a clear message to your Team. You want your representatives to understand “Why?” Early on, as a cub Sales Rep for an international packaging company, I would get that credit application filled out early (within 1st 3 months). What I noticed was that the smart buyers I was calling on, who were usually 20+ years older than me, seemed to smile as I presented that “early” credit application, and filled it in for them to sign, in front of them. None ever refused to sign it. Later, at a totally different organization and industry, as both Director of Sales & Marketing – and Credit Manager (the only company I’ve seen do that), our bad debts ran less than .001 of 1%. To collect a potentially serious late, significant outstanding balance, I’d learned to reverse engineer my customer’s position, and often, purposefully make a friend - while collecting late money, by asking, “Ms. Smith, I need some work… and I need some money….. Where would you like to start?” You could feel the smile on the other end of the phone, as we began working out both a payment and our next order. “A hunch is creativity trying to tell you something.”……Frank Capra
- No Shortage of Talent.... Wanting.... Needing.... Development
By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc. – 02/10/2023 Published in American Printer “I’ve always been attracted to the more revolutionary changes. I don’t know why. Because they’re harder. They’re much more stressful emotionally. And you usually go through a period where everybody tells you that you’ve completely failed.”…………Steve Jobs INTRODUCTION: Memories of my entry from a wildly successful 11 ½ years heavy industrial manufacturing into this great industry in 1983 included a quiet shock regarding: How bright everyone was… How hungry younger employees were to learn everything they could about their craft and its evolving technologies. How much technology was in every department…that kept changing…we were on the edge (1984) of The Macintosh Personal Computer’s commercial entry… After my second “Million Mile Certificate” from Delta about a decade ago, my travel schedule slowed, seemingly in concert when Dr. Jerry Waite (Department Chair at the time for the U. of Houston) requested and accepted my proposal, which formed the core of a radically new curriculum course for learning how to use public databases to solve everyday business problems - for commercial printers’ customers - of all stripes. That lead into development of university online curriculum courses, courtesy of the Pandemic, that your brightest employees can now take (from their home or office), updating their skills to the technologies and thinking our industry’s OEM manufacturers are creating, and our universities are preparing students to use. Over 100 Online Graphic Communication courses – and growing - are now available to employees - without their being full-time students. Key Point: Your best, brightest employees can get updated on today’s newest technologies, equipment, and business strategies – while still working for their current employer…! Key Point: You have a new “recruitment tool and strategy” for recruiting bright, want-to-work, strategically skilled employees, with or without our industry’s experience. It’s the exception - that an industry “builds-in” ongoing employee on-the-job learning - for introduction of new technologies and skills. Supporting, Dramatic New Resource: Introduction to Graphic Communication – A New Kind of Book Combining PRINT & Multimedia Engagement, By Harvey Levenson and John Parsons. This profound text is overwhelming on first glance, for illustrating and explaining the richness of our great industry, and its future. (Note: This text is being used by well over twenty colleges, universities, and even high schools – to introduce students to our great industry’s rich, dynamic future.) Multiple CEO Members of my Peer Groups are ordering additional copies for their brightest, and for targeted recruitment. Go to “”… or click this link… for introduction to these dramatic new resources. SUMMARY: Is there excitement and innovation in your organization, that’s being led by department leaders…or is everyone waiting and looking to you for answers and direction….? Are your best and brightest setting an example, with your encouragement, of moving to a more challenging and successful future – for them… and your organization…? Do you and your best customers regularly discuss what innovations they could use from your organization, and your great industry - to improve their financial performance, or are you waiting for them to… “Ask for a quote”….? “Andragogy…the understanding of the science and practice of adult learning,” originally coined by German educator Alexander Kapp - in 1833.
- Is "Increased Profitability"... Really... A Priority....?
By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc. – 01/27/2023 Published in American Printer “Top line growth covers a multitude of sins” ……Client CEO Introduction: You may cover–up and delay attending to that “growing list of sins” only so long…trying to get those extra revenue dollars to cover-up that slowly growing list of neglected sins. Such actions tend to become part of your culture…. everyone participates. There tend to be multiple “warning sign moments”: too many promise delivery deadlines... missed, eventually making that OK, too many last minute, impossible rush orders… forced on production, too many overtime hours…incurred, with no remedial action plan, too many delays in providing personnel... needed and deserved pay increases, too many local ordinance requirements… not taken seriously, too many new personnel training sessions… postponed, neglected, no longer acknowledged as needed, too many key KPI performance measurements not tracked, posted, and followed-up, too many “security disciplines (HIPPA…?)” not followed, not updated, not understood, too many safety training sessions and safety audits, missed, too many “good health practices” sessions, missed, too many disaster planning sessions, missed, too few price increases, forcing improvements in quality and on-time delivery procedures, improved customer communications and commitments, omitted, almost total neglect of proactive contact of customers, or development of “customer profiles” (i.e., documentation of what to do/not do, and for whom), No “Periodic Business Reviews” - with top 10 customers. Eventually…inevitably…you are caught in a very expensive, traumatic - “perfect storm.” Summary: Last week, talking to a premier print company in Seattle, I heard the CEO say, “It’s our top 20 or so customers we have 'Planning Sessions' with – that significantly influence our profitability.” On the “other side of the ledger,” two decades ago, I demanded in an executive quarterly meeting at a client - who loved to grow sales (as their profitability, slowly, decreased each year), “Who here is passionate about profitability…?” No one answered. Within two years of that session, that client, from results of a surprise, nearly “perfect storm” – much of its own making - experienced a forced sale. “If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission.”…Anonymous
- Sustained Comfort... Tends to Be.... Deadly
By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc. – 01/13/2023 Published in American Printer “All progress takes place outside the comfort zone.”……Michael John Bobak INTRODUCTION: Over the past week or two, news of our “Online Graphic Communication Curriculum from Colleges and Universities for Company Employees” - began to slip-out to a few influential communicators and thought-leaders in our great industry. You can access this revolutionary new information resource by going to: A GAME CHANGER This new information resource is a “Game Changer” for every printing company and related service provider, Original Equipment Manufacturer, and school of higher education with a graphic communication curriculum. For employees, desiring to elevate and update their technical knowledge, online learning has proven its ability to upgrade and power forward a company’s intellect and innovation. Now our universities, colleges, and schools “see the light” of a totally new market and industry need, by designing a curriculum that can be taken online from an employee’s desk at home, or at work. This recognition is a strategic Game Changer for company owners, their brightest and most ambitious employees, and our graphic communication education programs. To work effectively in our industry, owners and employees need to steadily upgrade their technical skills and understandings – throughout their career. Too often, however, needed technical skills and understandings are illusive - even outside their own organization. Additionally, over the past several decades, traditional and technical schools closed down their “print shops” – representing a declining source of skilled employees for our industry. Colleges and universities with “print programs,” with ever-more complex technologies requiring investments being introduced, were required to adopt “design and digital program curricula” to keep their too often dwindling student enrollments alive. The Pandemic’s timing forced schools to adapt their curricula to Online Courses. Online Courses have been, for the most part, effective, when online learning was the only logical alternative for learning and training. Additionally, the new opportunity for working employees participating in the same virtual classroom with fulltime, degree-seeking students would understandably raise the value of the class and curriculum discussions – for everyone involved in teaching, training, and learning. The selection of courses available for online learning for company employees can appear mesmerizing, but are well worth your time to review. SCHOOL AND COMPANY PARTNERSHIPS My personal attention naturally goes to “Data Mining” at the University of Houston, which has grown that specific curriculum to about 8 classes a year, since 2015. That course introduces students to a series of real-world Case Studies, to be solved through the use of multiple public databases, and class discussions. (To my knowledge, at this time, no other school teaches the use of these public databases to solve everyday business problems.) Professor Mark S. Hargrove is the instructor, and through Department Coordinator, Dr. Jerry Waite, both Mark and this course content - are available to other Graphic Communications schools. Note: Students successfully completing this course are reportedly sometimes hired – often outside the Print industry – before graduating…because of this course content! SUMMARY: Online learning, from home or work, for your brightest and best employees provides options and hope for a brighter future. Online learning can result in: (a) providing a motivating reward to your entire organization, certainly (b) your brightest and best, and (c) radically changing your employee recruitment strategy Employees engaged in online learning should expect to draw the attention of your suppliers, for learning which of their potential customers - are committing to a better, longer future…! Long term committed presence of key industry suppliers to this program is almost a given, as key suppliers are strong supporters of our industry’s graphic communication schools. Online learning for your organization re. ongoing needed skills and understandings, can change our industry’s reputation and perceived future – and should provide a Recruitment Tool and Strategy – for the brightest and best. And…. online learning for current employees, should change and expand both curriculum strategy development, and options – for colleges and universities – with Graphic Communication programs. This is a new and powerful tool that can accelerate our industry’s future. “Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending, he turned into a butterfly.”……………….Proverb
- Employee and Company Development Information -- Whose Time Has Arrived
By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc. – 12/16/2022 Published in American Printer “What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul.”…………Joseph Addison INTRODUCTION: In Wisconsin, mid-September, at a CEO Peer Group dinner, Wanzie Collins, CEO of Panaprint, asked me a question I’ll never forget: “Sid, do we know what courses at our Graphic Communications Universities are available online for our employees to take?” For a few seconds, I hesitated, recognizing the implications of his strategic question. “Wanzie, I know of a few… at the University of Houston…which are excellent….but my guess is there are many more…at other universities….Would you like for us to take a look and get back to you…? This “work-in-progress” link can hopefully take you to a listing of about 100 courses available to your employees in-person and online from 5 Graphic Communications universities. (We invested several hundred hours of staff time, mostly through our Administrative Assistant, Ms. Sarah Ogburn, to develop, confirm, and present this information.) We also believe this dynamic information is: A work in progress, with much more to be added. With the thoughtful selection, capable of elevating an individual’s career, a company’s trajectory, a university’s contributions, and our great industry’s prosperity. At the very least, the availability of these online courses to company employees can change: A company’s recruitment strategy. A company’s employee retention. A company’s internal energy – and excitement for change, development, and innovation. A university’s curriculum development, and curriculum strategy. SUMMARY: Most organizations have one or more individuals who are capable of so much more than what they are doing day-to-day. Modest investments can lead to an ROI of 1000%+…! I have no fantasies about how fast this information can and should be put to use in our great industry. We already have clients who are in discussions with employees and universities – for “enrollment.” I hope you’ll take a serious in-depth look and open-up discussions with your best and brightest. “No man is wise enough by himself.”…….Plautus
- How's Your Backlog......?
By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc. – 12/02/2022 Published in American Printer “During my eighty-seven years, I have witnessed a whole succession of technological revolutions. But none of them has done away with the need for character in the individual or the ability to think”……Bernard Mannes Baruch INTRODUCTION: What would be your next step(s)…. If…. You received the names of 22 customers… telling you that you were receiving…. less than 11% of their business…..? …Names of 16 customers…. requesting to Consolidate Suppliers….? …Names of 5 customers…..requesting 2-3 year agreements…..? …Names of customers, collectively requesting… 158 additional products and services….not previously bought….. Names of 27 customers….collectively offering to provide you with Referrals…not currently buying from you….? (Note: our experience is that about 20% of them will provide you with more than one Referral…!) We just delivered our 2nd Customer Survey Summary Report (for 2022) - with follow-up Strategic Recommendations….to a company that was about to go out of business 5 years earlier but was discovered and personally bought for an incredibly low price… by a frustrated Plant Manager… of over 30 years. … Why don’t more organizations ask an experienced Research Firm to conduct a dynamic Customer Survey…for a better future…?.....My private thoughts include that “insightful, dynamic results” - would require thinking, changed priorities, accountability, and follow-up – “Requiring Change”…and most organizations put “Change” in the same category as “Public Speaking”…! Revenues… before this Customer Survey…. were expected to surpass $5 million - next year….. That estimate, we are told - has now been “shelved.” SUMMARY: The Strategic Focus for our client we asked to be revised and become… “Doing a more effective job – with the customers the company already serves”….for significantly improved profitability. My observation is that message…. is relevant to much of our great industry’s organizations….and that many (most ?) “Sales/Remuneration-Commission Plans” - are counter-productive and need to be radically rewritten. “To please everybody is impossible. Were I to undertake it, I should probably please nobody.”……..George Washington
- Are We….Unknowingly…. Playing With Fire….?
By Sid Chadwick – 08/21/19 American Printer “When we finally recognize we need more business…it’s often…. too late…”…… ……………Anonymous INTRODUCTION: Almost every organization that reads this column… has “Neglected Customers”…. …..have not been contacted…in months…by your organization. …. have not requested a quote… months. ….do not know what’s new at your company, and how to use that capability. ….do not know… all that your company can produce….. ….probably have a “relatively new buyer”…..who’s never visited your plant. “Neglected customers”….include customers whom your organization does serve. In Survey after Survey….customers tell us that their “Survey Sponsor” receives: ….Less than 11%… of their business…. ….Less than 21%… of their business…. ….Less than 31%… of their business…. While Sales Reps…and CSR’s… tend to believe…and report….that they are receiving 2-3X that percentage of those customers’ business. …they don’t receive much……”Value from your Sales Calls”… …they also don’t receive enough Sales Calls…but would rather receive no Sales Calls…. until the “Value of the Sales Calls” — improves. … they would like to discuss a Long-Term Agreement….but only if you – the supplier — are willing to contact them… follow-up……you see…..many customers are wanting to “consolidate their suppliers”……(wouldn’t you like to know which ones…..?)…! SUMMARY: Would you like to know which customers have that much more opportunity for you…that they are willing to tell you in their Survey….that they are wanting you to know about……? With that kind of feedback…where you go to get an additional ….5% to 10%….more business….from “current customers”….is available for you to learn…..if you really want to know….. Of course, not everyone wants to know that level of actionable information…..because when you know that level of actionable, current customer information….you then have to… act on it….and many organizations would rather wait…..and do nothing — that’s so much more exciting….eventually….! “There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune, Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries…”……………..William Shakespeare
- Prepare for Low-Ball Pricing.... On the Horizon
By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc. – 11/18/2022 Published in American Printer “The best leaders of all are ones the people do not know exist. They turn to each other and say we did it ourselves.”……………………Zen Aphorism INTRODUCTION: You probably need to prepare… for the following: My client’s treasured customer just received a “low-ball, unsolicited proposal” from one of my client’s competitors. Facing lower revenues and rising costs, my client’s treasured customer is now opening their account to “market bidding.” After a moment of panic, how should they respond? Every customer relationship has a “context.” The following scenarios are presented to provide you with “Options” – that speak - to your company’s value – to this valued customer. Your organization probably knows your customer’s work, and expectations, as good as or better than any competitor. Can you “hint at” or “list” unusual service steps you take to meet their expectations - and needs - outside strict specifications? On their invoicing, you probably do not “nit-pick” them with minor extra charges. They need to learn that. Can you provide them with examples, with more examples on request? There are ways to produce their work at a lower cost, which you tend to avoid – in order to meet their delivery, quality, and servicing expectations and needs. Examples include Order-Entry, Prepress, Press, Finishing and Shipping, and day-to-day communications. Are they interested in discussing lower-cost options? Do they have penalties for competitors who seize these options, without the customer’s permission? Are these “Options” in a bidding scenario? Can you show examples of not compromising their requirements? My experience is that production teams know which customers have good and not-so-good margins. This awareness enters into how they treat each customer’s work, in subtle and not-so-subtle ways (though there may be denials). Are they inviting you to offer suggestions for lowering costs? Consistency and reliability of supplier performance tends to be taken for granted until something is not as expected. What’s your track record for reliability and consistency? (Three errors have a different perspective - if they are in the context of 900+ orders.) The customer’s unexpected, often unrecoverable costs, from a faulty supplier order, can eat up any potential cost-savings – times 100 or even 1,000X. Can you show where your knowledge of their expectations allowed you to correct their specifications, and even proactively save them meaningful, unexpected costs? Is your competitor profitable? About once a year I receive a cry for “Help” from a client being raided by RR Donnelly. Our client tends to not be aware that RR Donnelly has not been profitable for most of the last decade, paying dividends out of cash flow from depreciation – as evidenced in their published Annual Reports. My client’s customer usually is most appreciative of this important new information. On this same line of thinking, how does your competitor pay their suppliers’ bills vs. how you pay your suppliers? Supplier total support can be “the difference” at critical moments. My understanding is that you have invested steadily in (1) Employee Education & Training, (2) New and updated equipment, (3) New Technologies, and (4) Expert Technical Services. Such documentation would get your customer’s attention – with brief explanations of “economic customer benefits”. Most smart, “long-view” customers want to know they are using the best available supplier. A list of examples, with identified “customer benefits”, should be meaningful. SUMMARY: How do you “get out in front of a bidding war” to avoid inherent risks and potential losses? There really are no substitutes for an Annual Review (and more often, if prudent) – with your Top 10 or Top 20 customers. At these sessions – usually at the customer’s location, both organizations come prepared to review, with the supplier usually going first (and a post-review Report issued to both organizations): What’s changed, and is expected to change. What needs to improve. What investments have been made – that benefit both organizations? Tougher times are coming toward us. You can be proactive – preparing to continue to do well. “You’ve got to take the initiative and play your game. In a