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A Holy Season.....On Many Levels

By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc. – 04/22/2022 Published in American Printer

We’re accumulating risk right now by.... doing nothing….it still does not feel like we’re ‘all-in’ ” ………..Ret. Gen. Ben Hodges

“The real measure of merit… is when these (requested) weapons are in the hands of Ukrainians…”……Ret. 4-Star Gen. Philip M. Breedlove …………………..CBS Good Morning, April 17, 2022


Our friends, our blood-brothers in Ukraine, this Holy season, are reminding us…. that... “…freedom isn’t free…”

Freedom always comes at a price. President Ronald Reagan reminded us that… “…every generation must decide what price they are willing to pay for freedom….”

Ukraine’s President, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, our modern-day Winston Churchill, has raised undeniable awareness – of the depth and scope of evil that threatens our civilization.

I’ve written my two U.S. Senators, and my Congresswoman…..”Don’t make us ashamed – and ultimately weakened and vulnerable ….by not giving our best – by providing only a portion – of the military hardware and weapons - that were requested…… .”

And I will keep writing them.


One of my biggest fears is that our nation’s adversaries… are not listening so much to, “What our leaders say - in front of the cameras”…. but rather… are taking meticulous notes re..…“What our leaders do!”

By any critical, close observation, and personal testimony of our best military leaders…..Ukraine can win this great war if provided the weapons they’ve requested….

However, there appears to be an unspoken strategy…. to keep both parties closely matched…so that Ukraine does not win – quickly…if at all.

Dynamite in the hands of a child,” wrote Winston Churchill, “is not more dangerous than a strong policy weakly carried out.….And America today lives with the consequences of emboldened adversaries and shaken allies”….Gen. Jim Mattis, Call Sign Chaos, p.228.

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