By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc. – 08/05/2022 Published in American Printer
“When you say no, you are only saying no to one option. When you say yes, you are saying no to every other option.”……….James Clear, Atomic Habits
Great coaches know that great teams require time, patience, discipline, and creative coaching – all coordinated into – “Great Strategies.”

A recent column asked, “Does anyone measure Quotes Won with Options” vs. “Quotes won without Options?” (Evidence was presented from multiple sources that “Options win more work” – from subsequent discussions - but you wouldn’t know that if you didn’t measure – over time.)
On a recent Monthly Plant Managers Conference Call, I asked, “What do you systematically measure and Report to a Department, Charting it on a Wall Chart in the Department?”
Too many key Managers believe they’ve “done their job” - if their company’s work is - acceptable to their customer - and on-time re. delivery.
I equate that to “Showing-up.”
There’s not another Professional Service or Disciple where “Showing-up”… is all that’s expected.
And, I hold senior management and owners accountable for:
Not conducting Performance Reviews with their direct reports – every six months, which include, “What personal skill or talent are you working to develop or improve, that would make you more valuable to this company?”
Not asking, “What are you doing to Report and Improve Performance - with your direct Reports?”
Nick Saban of The U. of Alabama reports that he learned from Bill Belicheck of New England - to scan Scouting Reports for keywords, like “but” and “and”.
“But” was a key that something was lacking. “And” was an introduction - that there was “more to learn” - about an individual or team.

A CEO recently turned our CEO Monthly Conference Call on its ear – when he reported that he was now personally conducting weekly one-hour management training sessions with a half-dozen of his brightest – not necessarily his current dept. supervisors.
He had decided to personally accelerate growing the company he wanted.
Sample subjects of weekly session discussions…?
What information you don’t have, would allow you to plan better…?
What wastes your time…?
What do you want to be doing here in three years…?
What information do you not receive (that exists ?), that you need…?
Where do we waste time and/or materials…?
What information would be helpful to our customers…that they don’t receive….?
How can you solve a recurring problem, as a team…?
My observation is that we are too often not “leading development of better results” - nor are we planning what we need to be doing – for how our world is changing - two years or sooner – in the future.
“Be around people who have the values you want, not the things you want.”……..Jay Shetty, Life & Purpose Coach