Chadwick Consulting can research multiple and relatively unknown information sources to assist a client in answering time sensitive questions relating to prospects, current customers, and customers’ markets — for purposes of increasing your options, improving your value to your customers, and resulting bottom-line performance.
Sales Prospects – Identify target profile sales prospects within a target radius of your business, by business profile or SIC code, sales, number of employees, value system, etc. — that “fit” your company’s differentiation and ambitions.
Company Profiles – Provide in-depth private or public company profiles for increasing competitive intelligence and potential opportunities prior to sales calls, proposal development, and/or major account reviews.
Improve Quoting Hit Ratios – Most organizations quote disproportionately more than they win. We work to increase your quoting hit ratios 5-15% or more. The impact can be dramatic in company performance.
General Subject Reviews – Provide a summary on industry specific subjects, market trends, social trends, political or legal concerns, etc. For instance, what are recent changes in fundraising by philanthropic organizations? Or, how is direct mail changing?
Sales Analysis – Analyze sales by business market, product line, and sales rep, trends of product and service combinations, average order size, account attrition, account gains and losses, number of orders, and changes in additional services requested.
Business Markets – Identify specific prospects and trends within targeted business markets, changing print and distribution needs, and key personnel and their orientation to specific performance issues.
Employee Interviews – Determine attitudes and perspectives toward your company’s market position, differentiation, management of customers and information, training needs, workflow, etc., plus gain information about individual and organizational competence, and opportunities to improve performance.
Focus Groups/Conferences – Uncover customer issues and needs, gain awareness of critical issues, plus clarity and credibility for follow-up of key issues.
Mystery Shopper – Periodically investigate performance of client’s organization with an “unknown” customer.
Employee Surveys – Assess opinions and attitudes toward company, management, and work environment — measured against national norms. This information is predictably critical for improving both supervision and front-line performance.
Supplier Surveys – Assess and uncover additional available resources – including technical, product, financial, education, and market information.