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Important, Smart Decisions Can Be Easier... IF... You're Doing Your Homework

By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc. – 08/22/2024

Published in American Printer : “Many business owners face challenges: some have sold too cheaply, others are semi-retired and looking to sell, or they’re unsure of their next steps. Sid says the key to solving these issues lies in tracking your company’s data and customer interactions to find the right direction and leadership.”

“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. …………………………………………………………...Walt Disney



Too many owners have: (a) already sold their company to private equity for a pittance, (b) semi-retired, and are looking for a buyer, or (c) don’t have a clue - in today’s conditions - what direction they should pursue. 

The key underlying issue is often, "Who is capable of leading this organization forward..?” (No one is really expecting to be saved by, “A rising tide lifts all boats.”)

I’m of the opinion that if you are tracking “the river of information” flowing through your organization, most company direction questions can be answered.

For example:

1.     Does your receptionist record (if you have a receptionist) who called, and why, that you can’t supply or service? (If all or most callers have to use a voicemail system for

choosing the department they want, then each department should record what a receptionist should have recorded – “Why the call that we can’t supply…?”)

We have two clients following up every caller who was not able to be serviced as a prospective customer – Types of Questions asked,  “How did you get our name? What does your organization do? Can we help you find the supplier you need? Who should we contact in Marketing…? In Purchasing…?”


In the hands of a skilled conversationalist, they are surprised how many new, sizable customers and additional Leads - these follow-up discussions are leading to…! 

  1. At least Quarterlyif not Monthly, those logbooks from No. 1 above should be reviewed – for the previous six months, including calculating the frequency of similar needs…! (Yes, you are looking at evolving market demand.)

  2. At least Quarterly, if not Monthly, you want to measure the frequency of requests for additional Services. Examples include: (a) delayed or rushed shipments, (b) additions and deletions of shipping/mailing recipients/destinations, (c) requests for copies of previously used images, (d) support of many varieties for Trade Show attendance  (a business all by itself), (e) tracking and reporting on customer and Field Rep literature requests,  (f) customer website updates – creation – and – redesign, and (g) Creative Design, (h) rush, emergency orders, and (i) Storage & Fulfillment (including receiving trailer-loads of materials from operations your customer just bought, and has no clue of the details – they need you to receive, count, report - and store it…!

There’s an opportunity to promote, with a fee - for every item listed above – and though I have a client who asks, “Does that turn my Press cylinders?” – maybe “yes,” and maybe “no” – but for sure – those Services make you more valuable to your customers.


What you should be doing next tends to become self-evident if you are capturing and studying the river of information that’s flowing through your organization, for your next management and company direction decisions.

“Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending, it turned into a butterfly.”     ………………………..……………………….………..Anonymous

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