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Owners and Senior Managers - Passively - Obsessively - Avoid Change......Until It's Too Late....

By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc. – 08/08/2024

Published in American Printer : “Sid's article reviews how a Customer Survey, honed over decades, created over half a million dollars in new business from existing clients. However, not all clients pursued these opportunities. Sid underscores the value of relationships, noting that the survey results helped a client recover from Chapter 11.”

“Culture eats Strategy… for breakfast”…………………………...Peter F. Drucker, Management Consultant, Educator and Author


Multiple References are available for whom we developed – well over a half-million $’s of additional, immediate business opportunities – from current customers….through use of a unique Customer Survey process, we refined over three decades.

However, I’ve learned, slowly, that not everyone wants that.

Through that process, we also developed - over a dozen current customers – for each of those clients - who wanted to discuss developing a Long-Term Agreement – to save time and $, and increase productivity – for both supplier and buyer.

I’ve had to learn that not everyone wants that (though most bankers wish their commercial print customers – would develop those agreements – for improving the stability of their customers’ business, and reducing risks.)

Through that process, we also developed – well over one hundred requests for additional products and services – from current customers – for each of those clients. (Products and services their customers didn’t know about, or had forgotten – were available.)

I’ve had to learn that not everyone wants that additional business – at decent prices - from current customers (rather than discounted prices – required to win a new customer).

At one of those clients, we fearlessly took-on a new client who was in Chapter 11.  We stepped forward to get involved because of a 20+ year relationship with their best, newly acquired Account Executive – who asked us to get involved. (This business is still - often - about – “Relationships.”)

Note: Our Survey Results shocked them, and were instrumental in them getting out of Chapter 11….!


A close personal friend has spent much of the last week (really parts of several years) attending to a nephew in the ICU of a hospital, and in support of his grieving mother and father. 

Attending doctors have this week told the family, with this being his 5th such hospital stay, and his kidneys and liver shutting down, that he won’t be leaving the hospital this time, though he repeatedly at each previous hospital stay - promised - everyone - he would quit drinking.

There’s a pervasive, rare sense of both grief and bitterness - for his impending and unnecessary loss….He’s 40 years old.

Somehow, there’s a parallel here, that’s hard to miss.

“If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission”………..Anonymous

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