By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc. – 01/15/2021 Published in American Printer
“Digital media is the creative convergence of digital arts, science, technology, and business for human expression, communication, social interaction, and education.”……U. of Houston, College of Technology, Digital Media Program
Your company….your Customer Contact Personnel…need to be educating customers… and particularly your most valuable customers and target prospects…on the Superior Value of Digital Media……. How… Digital Media Increases the Value — of almost all other combinations of media……
Of course, your Sales Literature… has Digital Media Case Studies …for your Customer contact personnel to:
Personally read…study….and reread….
Discuss…. in your Sales Education Sessions….
Send to…and then discuss with Customers…and Target Prospects…

In effect….there are “mass mailings”….and then there are targeted… personalized… mailings….
There are “Personalized Communications”……and then….there are Personalized Communications to those… whose personal profile “fits”…. highly interested recipients…..
Whether I’m selling high-end cars… or low-end cars…or used cars and trucks….there’s a profile…. of who is most likely interested…..and…
The U. of Houston’s Digital Media Program… has a 12 Week….Dynamic Data Mining Case Study Certificate Course….that’s “On-line”….that’s available…for only your Top Performing Reps….as a Bonus…..based on performance… from your organization…..
There are…… a few seats left…………!
Go to:
Our industry….our major and regional Associations….could be leading this charge….could be relentlessly…. following-through…..!
I have to ask…..why aren’t they…?
“Be a yardstick of Quality….Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected.”………………….Steve Jobs