By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc. – 10/03/2024
Published in American Printer : “In Sid's article, he emphasizes that most development directors should use public databases, not just social media, to find valuable prospects and drive growth. Targeting organizations similar to top clients is essential, as hope alone won't ensure success. Adapting to a changing market is crucial.”
“HALT stands for hungry, angry, lonely or tired… all scenarios that may lead us into bad habits…or make unhelpful decisions.” …….... Forward Day by Day, September 25, 2024
Our current Research Project (for a long-term client) is purposefully uncovering…literally…tens of millions worth of previously unrecognized….targeted demand….we were asked to uncover …….of an invaluable - underutilized Production Capability…..
Today at 12:30 EST, we are scheduled to facilitate an Oregon client’s Business Development Team’s first, ever - “Introduction to the purposeful use of Public Databases.”
Their President is attending, along with 3 Inside Account Executives. He requested the session….He’s known us for only 13 years.
The session will last about 45 to 60 minutes…and will change forever - their expectations of their future revenue and profit opportunities.
This is a Web-Publication Printer.
Having done my homework, I know there are over 2,000 magazine publishers within 600 miles of their plant….where we can identify not only individual contact information, but also frequency of production, page count, format, and number of colors.
What’s ironic, many Offset and Digital plants could successfully compete for short-run publications – that tend to represent: (a) Predictable repeat business, (b) Lower order entry costs, (c) Better margins, and (d) Continuously lower production costs over time– than their traditional customers.
The rumor is that most Business Development Directors have not ever used a Public
Database for identifying better Prospects to pursue…nor have they made sure their subordinates learned and used – these invaluable resources.
Their salvation for a better corporate future… is too often deferred… and becoming dependent on social media. (Have you checked how many emails you delete – every day…?)
My bias is that all dollars - and customers – ARE NOT of equal value.
And if you are reading association narratives, like many of your competitors, you’re waiting for “a rising tide to lift all boats”…..Well…that sounds like “Hope”… is your central strategy.
Wouldn’t you prefer to contact – and pursue – 100’s of organizations - who are similar to your top 5 customers - your highest profit margin customers - your highest Value-Added customers…?
Who can afford to continue doing what they’ve always done….like they’ve always done it…?
(How’s that working for you…?)
“If you always do what you’ve always done… you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten.” ………….………………………..……………………………………………………Tony Robbins